Crimesight is a successful mix between Among Us, Cluedo and Hitman Go that while presenting two quite different gameplay depending on the faction with which you play, manages to make them both equally interesting to the point that I do not know if it is more fun to play the role of Sherlock or Moriarty. Exhausted the pleasant initial surprise, however, becomes a victim of its own mechanics not proposing any variety.
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Crimesight is that typical title destined to conquer (and entertain) that niche of fans capable of making a game survive for a long time. However, without content-dense post-launch support, the Konami-branded creature is sure to show off its side. We recommend playing it with a group of friends, an experience that will multiply the fun. Everyone else, on the other hand, will have tools for non-verbal communication... which are not always used in the right way by users.
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CRIMESIGHT formula is improvable and yet compelling: taking a little something from both Among Us and Clue, the game feels original and the online approach to investigation is pretty unique. Neverthless, the UI is messy and the game isn't smart enough to avoid you feeling its repetitiveness.
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CrimeSight is a great social deduction game, and one that has surprised me quite a bit with just how high-quality it is. The sounds, the visuals, and the game design all mesh together into a thrilling social deduction game that you can play together with a couple of friends. It offers just the right mix of advantages and disadvantages between each of the three roles: Sherlock knows nothing but can move a lot, Moriarty knows everything but can’t do a lot, and Irene…well, she’s basically the assistant for Moriarty. If you were wanting a change of pace and wanted to play this with your friends, I can certainly recommend it for a game night.