Metal Mutation

Critic Reviews for Metal Mutation
Metal Mutation is the textbook definition of average. It's acceptable enough to be fun, but it doesn't have the highs or lows to make it anything more - or anything less. "Cyberpunk Hades" is a super cool concept, but the game in its current iteration feels more like an Early Access title than a full game. It's probably worth a look if you pick it up on sale or during a bundle. I'd wait to see if Metal Mutation gets more fleshed out before taking the leap.
Metal Mutation is a great roguelite that does not feel too hard or too easy. Enemies come in a variety of sizes, and the bosses are as interesting as the abilities one can wield. It’s not hard to get lost in all the action going on at once. Basic attacks are made even better when the same ability is enhanced repeatedly. I recommend this title for anyone who wants actions from beginning to end when entering any level containing enemies.