From Madness with Love Reviews

From Madness with Love is ranked in the -1th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
5.5 / 10.0
Oct 4, 2023

It just gets to be too much. From Madness With Love makes no attempt to balance the oddities with actual connection, and it lost me as a result. I’m sure there’s some genuine feelings in there somewhere, but I couldn’t find them amidst the noise. I was ultimately quite put off by the overall tone, and it didn’t incentivize me to continue going any longer than I felt I had to. This clearly will be a big hit with streamers and offbeat VN fans, but it simply couldn’t find a place in my heart. I’m not keeping this catch, it’s going back in the ocean.

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Aug 10, 2023
From Madness with Love (Quick Review) video thumbnail
Aug 3, 2023

When romance and psychological horror comes together in a perfect match like it does here, with a female main character to boot, From Madness with Love is the kind of dating sim I wish would grace us much more often than it currently does. For £14.29 I cannot recommend this game enough.

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