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Sugar Mess - Let's Play Jolly Battle

May 29, 2024 - PC, PlayStation 5
Jump Dash Roll
8 / 10
Video Chums
3 / 5
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Sugar Mess - Let's Play Jolly Battle Media

Cute VR FPS For Meta Quest - Best Moments Of Gameplay Trailer thumbnail

Cute VR FPS For Meta Quest - Best Moments Of Gameplay Trailer

Sugar Mess - Let's Play Jolly Battle Screenshot 1
Sugar Mess - Let's Play Jolly Battle Screenshot 2

Critic Reviews for Sugar Mess - Let's Play Jolly Battle

Sugar Mess is a surprisingly decent and varied VR experience. It may be short, but it's exceptionally sweet.

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If it featured a bit more fleshed out and refined gameplay, Sugar Mess - Let's Play Jolly Battle would be a must-play VR shooter.

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