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Aerial_Knight's We Never Yield

Aerial_Knight, Headup, BetaJester
May 19, 2021 - PlayStation 5, PC, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch
2 / 10
Rectify Gaming
6 / 10
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Aerial_Knight's We Never Yield Trailers

Aerial_Knight's Never Yield - Release Trailer thumbnail

Aerial_Knight's Never Yield - Release Trailer

Aerial_Knight's Never Yield - Reveal Trailer thumbnail

Aerial_Knight's Never Yield - Reveal Trailer

Aerial_Knight's We Never Yield Screenshots

Critic Reviews for Aerial_Knight's We Never Yield

Stale, repetitive, and unengaging would be the first adjectives that come to mind for Aerial_Knight's latest, were it not also buggy and unfinished.

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Rectify Gaming

Unknown Author
6 / 10.0
Rectify Gaming

While, We Never Yield, may not entirely surpass its predecessor, it certainly carves out its own unique identity. Its focus on parkour, coupled with rich narrative and stunning visual improvements, makes it a worthy addition to the Aerial_Knight series for the price, but the game definitely isn’t better in gameplay and stability than the first game in the series, Never Yield.

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