The Plucky Squire Player Reviews
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A very easy and well meaning adventure game, the story, structure, writing, and gameplay is repetitive. I enjoyed my time with it but it spends more time talking to and hand holding the player than letting them enjoy the world.
It’s not the most exciting gameplay experience in the world but the story book aesthetic and genre-swapping mechanics work well together. One moment you’ll be slashing your way through baddies and solving word-based puzzles and then you’ll be thrown into a boxing match with a giant honey badger, Punch-Out!!-style.
My favourite
The Plucky Squire was a very interesting and entertaining game that was a fun experience to play with my four year old son but not something I believe I would have enjoyed playing in any other way. Playing the game with my son was constantly a fun experience with fun
Pros: fun 2d/3d gimmick, cute characters Cons: Too easy, too basic combat and platforming
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