Transformers: Galactic Trials Reviews

Transformers: Galactic Trials is ranked in the 4th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
3.5 / 10.0
Oct 21, 2024

Transformers: Galactic Trials is overpriced and full of nothing. The gimmick of switching between vehicular racing and robotic shooting might have worked if both halves weren’t so thoughtlessly welded together like a shoddy cut-and-shut car. Then again, its meager content and technical sloppiness suggests it never had a chance.

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4 / 10
Oct 14, 2024

There’s actually the glimmer of a good idea here. If the shooting sequences were better executed and the car handling better honed, you could end up with an interesting alternative take on the arcade racer that serves its license well. But while there’s some reasonable presentation on display, the package doesn’t deliver on its ambition at all.

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4 / 10.0
Oct 11, 2024

Transformers: Galactic Trials is one of those games that has some good ideas but fails to execute them successfully. While the racing action is basic but fun, its on-foot sections are terrible, and there are other issues, too. And so, while it looks fairly nice, has plenty of unlockables and its roguelike elements add some variety between runs, it's ultimately impossible to recommend.

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7.6 / 10.0
Oct 12, 2024

Besides a few minor frustrations, TRANSFORMERS: Galactic Trials presents a superb blend of racing, platforming, and shooting that really packs a punch when it all comes together. Whether you're testing your skills or taking on a chum, you'll have a great time.

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