The Rocky Horror Show Video Game

The Rocky Horror Show Video Game Media
The Rocky Horror Show Video Game (Official Trailer)
Critic Reviews for The Rocky Horror Show Video Game
Interact with Rocky Horror in a new-old way with The Rocky Horror Show video game.
I'm truly happy that The Rocky Horror Show Video Game exists but as a game, it doesn't really do much to hold your attention. 👄
I had a bit of fun with The Rocky Horror Show Video Game, but I think that stems mostly due to me liking the source material. It will only be enjoyed by die-hard Rocky Horror fans. It has its charm, but as previously mentioned, it’s far from being perfect. The visuals are passable, considering the aimed art style, and whilst the chiptune songs sound fun at first, they are repeated ad nauseum, to a tiresome degree. It’s a somewhat decent way to spend an hour, but that’s about all you’re bound to get out of this game. Especially considering it only lasts for about that timeframe, with no incentive for replayability.