Chris O'Connor
Highly recommended, more so if you don’t mind turning off the commentary and maybe the music.
Physics based destruction... that's about it.
X-Out is back with some tweaks to bring it to the modern era whilst keeping it's retro charm.
If you prefer very simple flight mechanics then you might want to give it a miss. Either way I'd recommend checking patch notes for whether you are comfortable grabbing a copy, or at least wait for a sale if you are concerned about game crashes.
Sniper Elite Resistance is another solid entry in the Sniper Elite series. I was thrilled to learn that it was coming out and I hope the franchise continues. We now know we aren't locked into one character, so the options for different times throughout the conflict and different experiences open up.
Project your mind into a drone in order to control a tank in an area humans can't go... sound weird? It is... but it's fun!
Enter a world of imagination with fan favourites The Rugrats.
Embark upon the dice rolling seas in this tactical RPG pirate game.
The documentary footage is very interesting and if you think of the game as being kind of an interactive documentary/museum display that might be the best way to look at it. If you are looking at the collection as a way to collect all the variations of Tetris that have been released then you will be disappointed. It is a pretty hefty price for the somewhat limited number of Tetris games available (I mean there are a few here… but the difference between them is not huge and there are some stand out titles missing)… so perhaps wait for a sale? Good to grab for the history of Tetris and if you are happy to have a playable documentary then you should be happy.
If you are a Sonic fan, this is a great collection of some classic levels with enhancements to bring them into the modern gaming age. With the addition of the Shadow campaign there's plenty of gameplay to be had. If you are new to the Sonic series, this is a great way to get a taste of different iterations and to learn a bit about the backstory of some of the characters. A great bit of fun and a stunning update on some familiar levels.
I quite like the approach of playing a human existing in this world of monstrous beasts. The sense of scale can be quite impressive and certainly makes you wonder just what it would indeed be like if these creatures existed. The general gameplay is fun enough, jumping about and breaking through walls to reach new areas. Combat is challenging enough but not too hard and even the frustrating monster events aren't so long that they are insurmountable. A decent bit of fun for a pretty reasonable price.
Interact with Rocky Horror in a new-old way with The Rocky Horror Show video game.
Like an interactive movie based on Norse mythology, God of War Ragnarok is an epic experience that has to be experienced.
Even the undead have problems... help them work through their issues and you might even work through some of your own.
If you can work around the resource supply issue… this is indeed a nice chill little game. It's not overly deep or taxing… but it's kind of nice watching your little town grow into a thriving city and the little fairy tale elements here or there just add another bit of charm to it all. It's not terribly expensive but it's not a huge game either so it's about the right point (but if you're not sure, just wait for a sale). Certainly worth a look if you want a city builder that's a bit less stressful and has some mild fantasy elements.
Donkey Kong has swiped some mini Mario's from the toy factory, it's your job to get them back.
The payday after a heist is boring... unless you're a Turnip Boy!
Solve physical puzzles while puzzling over your existence.
A mix of building and resource/people management in a tribal setting... fun, for a while.
Is it worth the price tag? That's a tough one. If you've enjoyed the previous game/s and you don't have any in your collection at the moment… it is a good way to have that classic game with the addition of some extra modes if you want to try those too. If you (like me) will likely end up just going back to the standard game and playing that… it seems like a steep price. I'm not really sure the extra features add enough to the basic game to warrant the price tag and if you already have a copy of the original or one of it's other iterations… I'm not sure the new additions will be worth shelling out for another copy. But my view might just be soured by the story mode animations… ooooh I did not like them!