Don't Let Him In

Don't Let Him In Media
DON'T LET HIM IN - Gameplay Trailer | Indie Psychological Horror Game
Critic Reviews for Don't Let Him In
The best thing I can say about Don’t Let Him In is that, sure, there was an honest attempt at making a Silent Hill-esque indie horror experience on a very small budget. Sadly, this would have been a more acceptable attempt if it were a movie, not a piece of interactive “entertainment”. Even if there were microscopic glimpses of hope coming from the premise, the game is bogged by terrible controls, a literal couple of terrible combat sections, a minuscule runtime, and really bad execution.
Don’t Let Him In is an enjoyable, if not short, psychological horror gaming experience. There’s a lot of potential; loved the PS1 style visuals. This could’ve made a great AAA/grander scale game. It gave me The Chant vibes, but if you ordered from Wish (and a more twisted storyline). It’s hard to recommend due to the bugs and shortness of it, but if you see it on sale, there are worst ways to spend 30 minutes.