Techno Banter Reviews

Techno Banter is ranked in the -1th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Comunidad Xbox
Ignacio Ortigosa
76 / 100
Feb 4, 2025

Techno Banter will probably be easy for many. Of course, you have to have some degree of English or German to play the game, which is not translated. Responding to attacks is easy when you are given the answers, and it misses a little ambiguity in the replies, it is quite clear what are the correct ones. Other than that, the setting, story and characters that inhabit Rainbow Drive are worth exploring. Because this is about much more than just making the best club in town, rather than mere cutscenes. It has many layers to its story and surprise mechanics that, like good role-playing, can be seen if you get deep enough.

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