Road Not Taken Reviews

Road Not Taken is ranked in the 56th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6.5 / 10.0
Aug 18, 2014

The entire game just boils down to pairing together items to save children. The narrative aspect of Road Not Taken is surprisingly thoughtful for its style of gameplay, but there isn't much to keep players engaged, nor is there any kind of incentive to keep playing after Year 15. On top of this, the game-stopping glitches we encountered should not have been an issue for a game this light on the PS4 hardware. Nevertheless, Road Not Taken is still a solid, if unspectacular puzzler on its own.

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3 / 5.0
Aug 5, 2014

Road Not Taken is a decidedly "okay" experience, as its strategic gameplay is fundamentally flawed from the very beginning. Matching puzzles and roguelike mechanics make for an annoying combination, as the core gameplay isn't exciting enough to bring players back for more.

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6 / 10
Aug 5, 2014

It has some interesting ideas, but Road Not Taken is too often both frustrating and confusing.

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Aug 5, 2014

It looks like a cute fairy tale, but this is a turn-based game that's thorny with challenge and packed with an incredible number of gameplay secrets.

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Aug 6, 2014

It's unquestionably smart, almost intolerably cute, and splendidly novel. I'm not quite convinced the balancing is right, and think the levels become too cluttered, too quickly. But it remains completely lovely to play despite it.

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Aug 4, 2014

Road Not Taken is a game that deserves a place in your collection as despite taking cues from two popular genres, there is nothing like it on consoles. It is a game that will take over your time, but one that you can also just pick up and play between other games. Spry Fox have a spectacular hit on their hands.

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