Critic Reviews for Haydee
Cubed3 gives its old-school 'conglaturation' to Haydee Interactive. Not only because its first creation wasn't afraid to handle its sexiness at full force, but, mainly, because this is actually a great game. Those prejudiced against Haydee's tit… ular lead will lose the opportunity to experience a surprisingly fun indie action-adventure, with fantastic, yet simple, audio-visuals, an almost survival horror-like atmosphere, and a strong, unconventional (for modern gaming standards) attitude towards gameplay mechanics and challenge.
If you can look beyond the overly sexual design of the main character, you'll find an enjoyable and challenging game for fans of the puzzle and platforming genres.
Haydee plays in many ways similarly, or rather the same, as its second sequel, with the only different mechanics being jumping and climbing. Still, this is a good action game with survival horror elements that will keep you glued to the screen for quite some time. With various modifications you can spice up the game with your favourite characters, new locations, tunes or even new weapons. As a small bonus, I also see the Czech localization, which shouldn't even be here. But if you're interested in Haydee mainly for the logical elements, I must disappoint you, because "logical elements" here means only climbing and skipping all sorts of things.
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