Michal Mráz

25 games reviewed
72.8 average score
70 median score
100.0% of games recommended
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6 / 10.0 - Aragami 2
Oct 5, 2021

Although it seems like I'm just bitching about Aragami 2, that's actually not the case. Granted, the combat mechanics are weak, there's no reason to play stealth, and the graphical environment isn't great, but it's still a very fun game. As for its actual price, I don't think €34.99 is adequate, but I'll leave the judgement up to you.

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9 / 10.0 - Mortal Shell
Sep 5, 2021

Mortal Shell is a truly great Souls game that deserves its place alongside world-famous titles such as Dark Souls, Demon's Souls and Bloodborne. Mortal Shell builds on the fundamentals of the genre, but adapts them to its own form. Battles are much slower than usual, but bring a new level of frustration. The bosses are all difficult and scary, while their fights are accompanied by great background music (especially for Hadern). As for the price of €24.99, I'm not sure if it's justified or not, but I'll leave that up to each of you to judge. For my part, I can highly recommend the game.

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8 / 10.0 - Dread Templar
Aug 27, 2021

For being the first project of the developers from T19 Games, Dread Templar is a fantastic action game with a great metal soundtrack. The action is fast and fluid, the graphical environment doesn't offend and the difficulty of the bosses themselves is satisfying. If you like retro style games, I can highly recommend this game. The title is still in early access, so maybe sometime in the future we will see new enemies, weapons, songs and maybe even a real story expansion. The price of 14,99 euros seems reasonable in this case.

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9 / 10.0 - The Ascent
Aug 21, 2021

The Ascent is an excellent shooter that you can enjoy alone or in the company of friends. If you are an avid collector and explore everything you can, you can stretch your playing time to a nice forty hours. If you're only interested in the story, The Ascent will keep you entertained for about fifteen hours. The graphics are really great and the soundtrack only deepens the cyberpunk atmosphere. The combat is dynamic, aggressive and the destructible environment is the icing on the cake. The character dubbing is also great. I can definitely recommend this title.

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5 / 10.0 - Empire of Sin
Aug 15, 2021

Maybe you can forgive the game for its horrible repetition, boring, practically zero story and useless diplomacy, which probably serves only as a gameplay enhancement. What you get is a promising title that's really great for the first few hours. But unfortunately, really only for the first few hours. It's a huge shame, because this title could have been just as great as, say, the aforementioned XCOM 2. Empire of Sin has great graphics and a 1920s atmosphere that could be sliced up. This experience is accentuated by the great historical music. However, the positive aspects of the game end there.

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8 / 10.0 - Haydee
Aug 7, 2021

Haydee plays in many ways similarly, or rather the same, as its second sequel, with the only different mechanics being jumping and climbing. Still, this is a good action game with survival horror elements that will keep you glued to the screen for quite some time. With various modifications you can spice up the game with your favourite characters, new locations, tunes or even new weapons. As a small bonus, I also see the Czech localization, which shouldn't even be here. But if you're interested in Haydee mainly for the logical elements, I must disappoint you, because "logical elements" here means only climbing and skipping all sorts of things.

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7 / 10.0 - Haydee 2
Jul 20, 2021

If you can forgive the title's poorer graphics in some places, only two enemy types and the lack of saving, you get a great game that can keep you glued to your chair for hours. Modifications allow you to play as your favourite characters, new locations and sometimes even a different story. As a bonus, add Czech localization. Haydee 2 can be purchased on Steam for 20.99 euros.

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The title is quite hard to evaluate because on the one hand it has an older look and mechanisms that won't work so well nowadays. Of course, if you're a fan of the genre and can enjoy it, it's a different matter altogether. On the other hand, Saviors of Sapphire Wings has a pretty decent story, the characters are nicely done, but that's it otherwise. After a while the fights start to get tiresome and you have no motivation to continue the story. Especially the price is quite discouraging, because the title can't be bought separately, but only in a bundle. The amount of 49,99 € seems really exorbitant in this case. Stranger of Sword City Revisited does not contain any mechanics other than the ones we just listed. To be honest, however, this doesn't hurt the title, as it is a fairly challenging title that can keep you entertained for several hours. The graphics make the game look a bit more modern, even though it's not really. It's just a shame that the title can't be purchased separately, but again only in a bundle for €49.99.

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7 / 10.0 - Going Medieval
Jun 23, 2021

Going Medieval is a great building game inspired by RimWorld. The title may be in the very early stages of early access, but it still manages to offer a lot of fun for a few hours. You have several options here to build your colony and make it as big a kingdom as possible. If Foxy Voxel manages to implement all the promised elements into the game, it could make for a great building game. Going Medieval can be purchased on Steam for €22.99.

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7 / 10.0 - Fearmonium
Jun 21, 2021

At first glance, Fearmonium may seem like a title that will resemble the action-packed Cuphead. Unfortunately, this is not the case and the title under review plays with a different style. Still, it is a title worth playing and getting to know the story of a depressed, anxious little boy trying to get out of it. You can get this title on Steam for €10.79.

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6 / 10.0 - Planetbase
Jun 19, 2021

Planetbase is a nice change from other survival builder games where one danger after another is thrown at you and you have to solve it as quickly as possible. This title has a slightly slower pace, so I'd recommend it more to people looking for a builder's respite. You can purchase the game on Steam for €12.49.

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Interrogation: You will be deceived is unfortunately not for all players due to the more difficult English and the overall gameplay style. Don't really expect much action here. Rather than that, the title is focused on a well-written story that will simply keep you entertained. However, if you have a good foundation in English and enjoy making decisions about your actions and seeing the consequences of them, you should be able to get through the title without too much trouble. I can definitely recommend this game to you. You can purchase the title on Steam for €12.99.

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Jun 4, 2021

The Hand of Merlin is a challenging roguelike RPG with turn-based battles and many multiple choice decisions. If you like a bit of reading and especially enjoy tactical turn-based combat, this title is right up your alley. For a title in early access, it really offers a lot of fun. You can get the game on Steam for €22.49.

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7 / 10.0 - The Medium
May 18, 2021

The Medium is a good piece, which can be faulted for some things, but they do not harm the title itself. As such, the Bloober Team has delivered a well-made game that definitely deserves a sequel. While at first glance it may seem like I'm just bitching about The Medium, the opposite is true. I enjoyed the game immensely and can recommend it with a clear conscience. You can purchase this title on Steam for €49.99, but personally I find the price too high for a title that you can finish in 7-9 hours.

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Despite being a mobile port, Dakka Squadron is a fun game that has its flaws. Graphically, there's nothing to fault, but technically it's worse. The game's controls take some getting used to, but the camera in particular will still annoy the hell out of you. I honestly can't imagine how Dakka Squadron must be played on phones. Before you decide to buy this piece, I recommend you play the demo first. You can get Dakka Squadron on Steam for €16.79, and on mobile for $4.99.

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Apr 16, 2021

Clone Drone in the Danger Zone is a good game that can keep you entertained for hours. For a game that is in Early Access, it will offer you a lot of fun. The simple graphics add the right amount of charm to the title and the electro music that plays during the fights can get you pumped up. The game can be purchased on Steam for €16.79.

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7 / 10.0 - Hellbound
Mar 19, 2021

Although Hellbound has a short campaign that you're able to finish in two hours, I don't think it's a bad title that doesn't deserve a place in your library. If you're a gamer who enjoys Serious Sam or Doom style games, Hellbound will not disappoint. Sure, it's not as polished and a lot of things could be improved, such as a greater variety of enemies, a repertoire of weapons or a longer campaign, but it's still a pretty good title that you can buy on Steam for €12.49.

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Mar 11, 2021

Skul: The Hero Slayer is an excellent game that is elevated by gorgeous 2D pixel art graphics including a great Soundtrack. The title runs smoothly without any hitches, crashes or bugs that would somehow affect gameplay. The developers at SouthPAW Games are also thinking about console gamers, and are planning to release this title on PS4, Nintendo Switch and all Xbox versions in the coming months. There is no information regarding the PS5 yet, but the title could work through backwards compatibility. Skul: The Hero Slayer can be purchased on Steam for €16.79.

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Mar 7, 2021

Lust for Darkness has a shorter game time, which can be completed in 3-5 hours. It depends a lot on whether you complete side quests or not. Still, it's a hilarious game that draws you into the story thanks to its imaginative story. If you want to get this game for the erotica, I'd recommend looking elsewhere. You only get two big sex orgies here, and they are subtly portrayed to boot. You can purchase the title on Steam for €14.99.

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9 / 10.0 - Hellpoint
Feb 15, 2021

Hellpoint is a great Souls game that will keep you entertained for hours. You have a large variety of armor, weapons and enemies. The combat system is not too complex, but not too demanding, so it is a good choice for beginners. This title really deserves a place in your library, and if you like these types of games, it's almost a must. Hellpoint will definitely offer you more mechanics and keep you entertained for longer than, for example, Mortal Shell.

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