ACA NeoGeo: NAM-1975
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Critic Reviews for ACA NeoGeo: NAM-1975
NAM-1975's status as a Neo Geo launch title means that while it's fun in short bursts, it's a long way from being the best the console has to offer. The action gets repetitive after long periods of time and in terms of visuals, it's quite a dull game in places. Still, if you're a fan of old-school coin-op blasters like Operation Wolf and Dynamite Duke then this is well worth a look, and the enhancements made by publisher Hamster Corporation are excellent, as always.
NAM-1975 is a fun game while it lasts. The game itself is short, but the gameplay is fun and the presentation is pretty sophisticated for a game from 1990, which I like. Picking up NAM isn't absolutely necessary, but it can be a fun diversion while also taking note of what SNK had in mind for the NEO-GEO hardware.
Another top quality retro game for Switch, NAM-1975 provides top tier multiplayer blasting action, a large range of customisation that the future Virtual Console would do well to copy, and classic pixel art. A short life span encourages quick bursts of play, but compliments its host hardware perfectly.