Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age Reviews

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is ranked in the 95th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10
Jul 10, 2017

This remaster is definitely the way Final Fantasy XII is meant to be played. If you've already played the original to death, there's enough changes and improvements here to warrant your time and money. If you've never experienced the twelfth numbered title in this series, now would be the greatest time to finally jump in.

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9 / 10.0
Jul 10, 2017

Final Fantasy XII was definitely a great game, for some the best of the franchise and really deserved a remastering as good as it is Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, which is undoubtedly the ultimate version that encompasses all the fantasy, gameplay, history and great characters of the original and makes it more accessible for new and old fans of the series.

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8 / 10
Jul 7, 2019

Final Fantasy XII could have been better with a less convoluted development —anyway, this is the best version of a very interesting game.

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4.5 / 5.0
May 20, 2019

Final Fantasy XII feels like one of those games that has gotten more appreciation with age, and that feeling is richly deserved.

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No Recommendation / Blank
May 28, 2019

The point I am trying to make, I suppose, is that if someone were to ask me if they should buy or play Final Fantasy XII, I would answer that watching a video of someone else playing the game would achieve roughly the same effect as playing the game themselves. If you enjoyed Final Fantasy XII upon its original release – bless you – having the opportunity to play it three times as fast is a godsend, as the plodding pace of all of its playable characters both in and out of combat is surmounted and its near-excruciating grind is made one-third as fast. But otherwise, I can see no reason to look into this game outside of watching a Youtube video.

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