Top Critic Average
Alpha Mission II may not be the most visually stunning shooter on the block - in fact, fellow Neo Geo blasters Pulstar and Blazing Star are much better looking - but it has enough new ideas to make it a worthwhile download for fans of the genre. The Armour weapon system is interesting and takes some time to fully appreciate, while the somewhat dazzling array of pick-ups constantly keeps you on your toes. The end-of-level bosses are excellent too, and it's only the rather repetitive levels which prevent this from gaining a more hearty recommendation.
Alpha Mission II has some nice ideas, and the occasional spectacular set-pieces that were pretty forward thinking. The armour system feels fun to play around with, and provides a lot of different options to try out over multiple playthroughs, but without more of its own identity there isn’t all that much reason to playthrough it more than once on single or co-op play.
It introduced some unique and interesting ideas while leaving other areas unpolished, resulting in a middling game. It's hard to ignore how awesome the Armor system is, but it's a shame that uninspired level design and some weird design decisions ultimately hold it back from being great. If you're a fan of shoot-em-up games, you'll likely be able to find enjoyment in here, but if you're a casual fan just looking to jump in and play, it might be best to think twice.
Alpha Mission II has solid core gameplay but the fun factor is heavily weighed down by a counterintuitive power-up system and some undeniably frustrating moments.