Runic Rampage Reviews

Runic Rampage is ranked in the 30th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
Jun 5, 2017

Overall, the ridiculously gory fights and simple level system feel fun and rewarding. Even still, progress is sometimes unnecessarily halted by the random nature of finding key items. In spite of missing a beat or two when adding tedium to the experience, Runic Rampage succeeds at providing an old school arcade experience in the present day.

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6 / 10.0
Jul 5, 2017

Runic Rampage serves as a smooth hack and slash title for those looking for a goofy, low-spec adventure.

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7 / 10
May 26, 2017

Runic Rampage is gaming junk food. It's cheap, you've had it before, and you consume more than you wanted to. I still had fun, and it's pretty good if you want some mindless action for a value price. However, it can feel very same-y near the end and the procedural generation doesn't feel necessary.