Samurai Shodown V Special

Critic Reviews for Samurai Shodown V Special
I really enjoyed my time with Samurai Shodown V Special, I just wish it had given me a couple more reasons to come back in the future. After a few runs in the arcade mode there isn't much else to do on the single-player side of things. I hope we'll get the opportunity to see this series return again someday.
With online multiplayer being as wonky as it is, there isn't much else to do beyond playing through the arcade mode. Samurai Shodown V Special is a fun experience, but can feel a little like solitary confinement at times. Though with local multiplayer, this is remedied quite easily and Special becomes as special as it was all those years ago.
When compared to the other HD ports that SNK, SS5S is not as inspiring as the likes of Garou or Windjammers. Nonetheless, it’s a going at a reasonable price-tag (with PS4/Vita cross-buy too!) and perhaps purchasing it will give SNK some incentive to try bringing to series in a new instalment. Samurai Shodown deserves it as much as, if not more than SNK’s other titles.