Wandersong Reviews

Wandersong is ranked in the 93rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
A or higher
Oct 11, 2018

Play Wandersong. You deserve to play such a wonderful game about music, friendship, and how heroism can be found in any good deed - no matter how small.

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Mar 4, 2020

Wandersong is a game of cosmic circumstances on a humble scale. It deals with questions of archetypes, destiny, an understanding of the self, and how our actions shape the world around us. It is a game that begs to be read as analogous to the hopeless pessimism that permeates modern life as well as a commentary on the tropes games so consistently employ, using our familiarity with both these elements to subvert the traditional hero’s journey.

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Nov 19, 2018

Share this game with other people, if you can. Play together on a couch, passing a controller around and commenting on the story together. Wear your fluffiest pyjamas and make chamomile tea. Bring tissues as well.

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