Wandersong Reviews

Wandersong is ranked in the 93rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.2 / 10.0
Jan 22, 2019

Wandersong is a charming, heart-filled musical-adventure. For fans of the puzzle-adventure genre, there is a lot to be had here but where Wandersong really shines, lies in its spirited, charismatic characters and unique story line. Wandersong isn't afraid to make fun of the usual heroic tropes found in many games on the market, but still finds a way to make the player stay connected to what is going on. Come for the adventure, but stay for a song.

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9 / 10.0
Sep 27, 2018

From its grin-inducing highs to its tear-jerking lows, Wandersong is a magical and captivating game. It's undoubtedly one of the best indie games out in 2018.

Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Jun 12, 2018

Wandersong is the tale of a lowly bard on a quest to find the legendary Earthsong. Surrounded by a universe of the edge of destruction, only the seven Overseers can help Wandersong's nameless champion put together the pieces of this magical arrangement and use it to save the world. Warm up your voice and take a trip into a charming adventure with our Wandersong review.

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90 / 100
Mar 6, 2019

Wandersong is a beautiful and unforgettable journey full of good lessons for anyone who has doubts about their dreams and goals. Despite its lack of challenge, it's a title that deserves to be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of age, thanks to its engaging story and diversified gameplay.

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9 / 10
Jan 22, 2019

I loved playing through Wandersong and thought that everything in it was well designed and created with a lot of care

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 27, 2018

Wandersong is definitely worth checking out on the basis of how different and unique it is. From the fun, new interaction method to the hand-crafted art style, this is something completely fresh.

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Oct 8, 2018

Wandersong's memorable adventure and heartwarming tale make for one fantastic musical journey.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 27, 2018

Another adventure game that takes its own path when it comes to resolving conflicts in this title you'll play as a bard who ends up using his vocal talents to try to help save the day...

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Chris Melchin
Oct 3, 2018

Wandersong is a pleasant game for the most part, but knows to get serious when the situation calls for it. It makes good use of its fairly simple core mechanic of singing, with a nice variety of puzzles to solve as you progress. I like the various ways it uses music, as a way to communicate, for concerts, and as a tool to solve puzzles, as you meet and help the diverse cast of characters throughout the world. It’s available on both Switch and PC; I played the PC version for this review and the Switch version at PAX. I personally prefer mouse and keyboard, since I find the mouse easier for singing than the right stick, but both styles seem fine. The adventure is about 10 hours long, and is enjoyable throughout for $20 USD. Although completing the game unlocks a scene select function to go back and replay scenes, there’s not much to do beyond that. Even so, it’s a cute game with fun characters and well-designed puzzles, and I think fans of adventure games will find a lot to love with Wandersong.

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4.5 / 5.0
Mar 11, 2019

Who says playing as a bard isn’t fun? Wandersong is a harmonic and colorful game that proves that not every hero has to have a giant weapon to save the world; they just need a big heart (and maybe a decent set of lungs). The simplistic graphics and odd swordplay of this music-themed title may be a hurdle to some, but the gameplay, dialogue, and soundtrack is otherwise pure entertainment. Encore!

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8 / 10.0
Mar 1, 2019

Wandersong is a unique game in how it uses singing as a mechanic and wonderful in how bright and colorful it is. It has great humor and is well worth picking up.

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Mar 4, 2020

Wandersong is a game of cosmic circumstances on a humble scale. It deals with questions of archetypes, destiny, an understanding of the self, and how our actions shape the world around us. It is a game that begs to be read as analogous to the hopeless pessimism that permeates modern life as well as a commentary on the tropes games so consistently employ, using our familiarity with both these elements to subvert the traditional hero’s journey.

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Feb 10, 2020

Wandersong is a game crafted with love, that depicts love, and that encourages you to love in turn. What better theme for a game about the power of music?

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4 / 5.0
Apr 26, 2019

A fun and a lighthearted game that keeps a good pace, but it gets bogged down in the second half. Still, it’s a beautiful and enjoyable piece, with a great focus on music, with an unlikely character.

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9 / 10
Feb 11, 2019

A harmonious marriage between narrative and mechanics, Wandersong is an astonishing creation on PS4.

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96 / 100
Jan 8, 2019
Wandersong (Review): A Splendorous Symphony video thumbnail
8 / 10.0
Oct 11, 2018

Wandersong is a charming-as-heck musical adventure that manages to live up to both parts of its name.

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9 / 10.0
Jan 21, 2019

The music is a delight to listen to, the narrative is very witty and humorous (as well as serious when it has to be), and the visuals are amazing eye candy with all the colours and visual effects used. The controls can be a little sensitive in some places and the DS4 speaker needs to be adjusted outside of the game, but overall I would have been extremely proud if I was one of the lucky ones who backed this project initially on Kickstarter.

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Geeks Under Grace
Lucas Miller
9 / 10.0
Oct 26, 2018

BOTTOM LINE Wandersong is an excellent game featuring great music, stunning visuals, and a story which grabs your attention from beginning to end.

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A or higher
Oct 11, 2018

Play Wandersong. You deserve to play such a wonderful game about music, friendship, and how heroism can be found in any good deed - no matter how small.

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