Omen of Sorrow Reviews

Omen of Sorrow is ranked in the 20th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
Mar 23, 2023

It was a commendable effort by its developers, but sadly, the game falters in its minuscule roster size, pointless story mode and ridiculous trophy requirements. Still, I am actually glad this game exists. There’s something about it that made it extra charming. Omen of Sorrow reminded me a lot of those adorable mid-tier fighting games that were everywhere during the Nintendo 64/PS1 generation. Games like Fighters Destiny, Bio Freaks, War Gods, Mace: The Dark Age. Games that weren’t able to compete with the big ones, but sure as hell tried, and we all lauded the attempt.

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60 / 100
Sep 21, 2021

Omen of Sorrow is a 2D fighting game that draws on classics like Tekken or Street fighter but with literary and mythological characters based on the horror universe. The lack of content, fighters and game modes weigh down a game that seemed interesting.

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59 / 100
Jun 26, 2019

Omen of Sorrow is very funny game. But with theese famous characters, game's idea is totally wasted. Because combo and gameplay mechanics are just bad.

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Nov 29, 2018

Omen of Sorrow is a budget fighting game with AAA ambitions. AOne’s attempts to stretch it into something bigger don’t pay off and while there’s some enjoyment to be had, there are so many better, more polished alternatives that offer way more value for your money.

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