JUMP FORCE is ranked in the 12th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6.6 / 10.0
Mar 4, 2019

While I wouldn’t say Jump Force is a good game by any means, there’s still a lot of fun to be had, especially with friends.

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SA Gamer
Paul Roux
5 / 10.0
Feb 21, 2019

What should have been a glorious celebration of Weekly Shōnen Jump lands up just being a largely mediocre experience. Jump Force has its opportunities to shine but it never gets to carry those through. We're left with a game that has some enjoyable combat but is marred by some other design choices. If the game is about the clashing of various Jump universes clashing, they should have probably set it in the universe where Jump Force gets to shine.

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3 / 5.0
Feb 22, 2019

Jump Force is an unfortunately messy anime fighter that doesn’t quite nail style or substance. While the gameplay can be fun for short periods at a time, the painfully rushed story and awful visuals make it difficult to recommend Jump Force to any but the most dedicated Jump fans

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Feb 24, 2019

Jump Force doesn’t just fall awfully short of its potential, but it fails to be fun, engaging or rewarding in any way. Combat is simple and repetitive, the story is uninteresting and told in an incredibly boring way, and the visuals fail to capture the essence of their inspirations. Beyond these annoyances, the considerable fraction of the game spent just on loading screens, plus the amount of time needed to mindlessly walk from one side of a bloated map to another feels outright criminal to charge for. Jump Force is an infuriating game, forcing the player to waste as much time as they spend playing, and degrading several excellent, beloved properties to mindless monotony.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 22, 2019

Fan favorite characters unite in this Manga crossover event

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63 / 100
Feb 20, 2019

Jump Force unites big Shonen Jump series for fighting. However story and character is terrible. But if you are big anime or manga fan, you should play this game.

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6 / 10.0
Feb 18, 2019

Jump Force, ultimately, is a title that doesn't do much to sway non-anime fans and will leave its faithful needing more, with its slow story pacing, uninspired combat and plenty of technical issues meaning its true potential may never be realised.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 14, 2019

Overall, Jump Force feels a bit like Dragon Ball Xenoverse, but also feels like it doesn’t approach the level that Xenoverse achieved. The developers did want to make it accessible to all ages, however, and it feels like that was successful, so fans of the different series should enjoy the game.

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6.9 / 10.0
Feb 13, 2019

Announced as one of Bandai Namco's biggest titles, Jump Force turns out to be another unloving anime adaptation that does not even match all of its unique characters. The great animations in the fight can hardly compensate for the weak plot and bad presentation. Thus, the alleged games highlight turns out to be an entertaining fun for all fans, but over a longer period of time does not know how to motivate.

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5 / 10.0
Feb 13, 2019

Shounen Jump created this game in celebration of their 50th year anniversary and many of us were definitely at least interested in it and some couldn't help but be overly excited over it. The theory and potential were definitely there, I just don't know what happened to the execution, delivery, and passion though. For all we know it could be hidden in Kakashi's mouth if we're lucky. Jump Force is not a bad game, nor was it a good game, but definitely a disappointing game in my opinion.

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Feb 13, 2019

For a game with such potential Jump Force is a colossal blunder and a rushed mess. The visuals and art style is atrocious, the gameplay lacks any kind of depth, and the animations are horrific. Overall Jump Force is a huge disappointment.

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6.5 / 10.0
Feb 18, 2019

Jump Force is primarily intended for fans of manga and anime

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