Generation Zero Reviews
Generation Zero could have been a much better game than it actually is. I feel like it’s almost too simple to just collect ammunition and medpacks. If they had added some sort of hunger system or survival mechanics I would have had a much more enjoyable time. Randomizing item placement in the world would have been a plus aswell. The world seems to be static for the most part. I also encountered a handful of crashes while playing that seemingly reset some of my progress, but those can and will probably be patched quickly. To sum up, gameplay was fun for a few hours, but once I put it down I had a hard time wanting to go back to it. It’s nice to look at albeit a bit drab in the color department. The style of music Avalanche has chosen to go with is something that appeals to me. So Generation Zero has pros and cons to it, and it has a lot of potential if they add some DLC down the road.
Generation Zero offers glimpses of a superb game - it has brilliant atmosphere, a vast world, plenty of intrigue and some fun combat opportunities, particularly when played in co-op. However the package as a whole feels grossly incomplete, with an incredibly rough UI, copious amounts of bugs and a huge list of issues. This could be great one day, but right now it's hard to recommend.
The ideas are sound and the visuals look good, but Generation Zero doesn't have too much to offer. Looking past the glitches may offer some fun co-op play, though.
The enemies in Generation Zero remind me of all those Boston Dynamics videos. They aren't sleek or streamlined, they're chunky and industrial.
Genertation Zero has potential but no purpose. Big map, good shooting mechanics, but game is not entertaining
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