Paperbound Brawlers

Critic Reviews for Paperbound Brawlers
I greatly enjoyed my time with Paperbound Brawlers, and it will absolutely find a spot in my multiplayer rotation, which is getting harder and harder to do as the eShop lands more and more great titles. It’s no Towerfall, but it’s a solid platform fighter, and its tight gameplay, multiple modes, and unique traits do more than enough to justify a purchase for fans of the genre.
Paperbound Brawlers was so frantic the first time I played it that I couldn't keep track of the action and quickly switched the game off. I'm glad I came back, though, because things start to click once you get the hang of how to use gravity as a weapon, and you start to see each level in a brand new light. Planning becomes virtually impossible, and you exist simply in the moment. Until a goo bomb kills you, that is.
Paperbound Brawlers is a enhanced version of the game released originally for PC and PlayStation 4. It's a simple 2D brawler where 4 players are pitted against each other or in teams to compete for point. No meaningful story, no superpowers, no skills, just you, your pencil, scissors and ink bombs.
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