BurgerTime Party

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Critic Reviews for BurgerTime Party
When it gets on with the bun-lobbing antics of classic BurgerTime, this is a great reminder of an arcade gem. But too many co-op cooks spoil the broth, and the recipe is overstuffed with extras that detract from the core flavour. That said, any game that lets you leave a trail of murdered pickles as you fight up the online leaderboard can't be all bad. Just a tad overcooked, perhaps.
Burger Time Party! succeeds in providing Burger Time on the Nintendo Switch. Beyond that, there’s not a whole lot else going on to justify the 5-star price for the 2-star burgers it serves up.
All in all, BurgerTime Party! is a delightful take on an older classic, with catchy music and funny sound effects that are perfect for those who enjoy simple platformers.
If you want nothing more than modernized BurgerTime, then you’ll be satisfied with this modern edition. If you were hoping for revolutionized BurgerTime, though, you unfortunately won’t find it here.
If I could find a $7.99 port of the BurgerTime arcade game (or, preferably, its Intellivision counterpart), that would be enough. That doesn't exist, however, so thankfully BurgerTime Party adds enough new content to justify its $19.99 asking price. The core arcade gameplay is as fun as ever, and although not all of the additions are necessary (or wanted), Marvelous got enough right to make this an entertaining diversion whether you're playing with a group or on your own.
If you can look past the ugly artwork, you’ll find it really is a good game with hours of fun!
Whether through loyalty or lethargy, BurgerTime Party! just doesn't do enough with the original arcade game's formula to make this reboot worth checking out.
BurgerTime Party! should scratch an itch for those who remember and enjoyed the classic BurgerTime game the way I did, with more levels, modes and a pleasant presentation. It makes a fun enough diversion, even if your enjoyment will probably taper off after a handful of hours, because there is no real story to chase and the mechanics of the game never really progress into anything more than their initial hook.