Phoenix Point Reviews

Phoenix Point is ranked in the 51st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10.0
Feb 5, 2021
Phoenix Point: Year One Edition - TURN-BASED at ITS BEST | Review Discussion [2021] video thumbnail
7 / 10.0
Dec 17, 2019

Pheonix Point brings us everything we love about the X-COM series, but isn't unique enough to step out of the franchise's shadow.

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Dec 12, 2019

Phoenix Point may not be as good as XCOM, and it may not be as narratively intriguing as Phantom Doctrine, but it still feels like a benchmark that similar games will be gauged against for years to come.

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9 / 10.0
Dec 17, 2019

Phoenix Point for me was just a blast. Literally and figuratively if you ask my enemies. Amazingly designed for one of the best damned Squad Based Turn Based Tactics that I’ve played in a long time, I fully recommend it to anyone that’s had their eye on it. Going back… two years to a sponsored Facebook post? It’s been worth the wait and even with its very late entry into the year, is hitting my 2019 Games of the Year list. Thank you Snapshot Games!

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70 / 100
Dec 9, 2019

Phoenix Point’s great aspects do eventually shine through, as long as you’re willing to weather some fairly harsh storms and deal with lackluster onboarding and presentation.

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Dec 3, 2019

Phoenix Point fits firmly on the foundation of modern XCOM, but rethinks combat with an action point system and the ability to free aim. While the latter seems like a gimmick, it's actually a wonderful tactical option that pushes the strategy forward. It's a shame then that a reliance on procedural generation leads to a lack of variety, weapon balance isn't great, and the technical execution is rough. Phoenix Point is a great starting point for something amazing, but it's not quite there yet.

7 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2019

Phoenix Point successfully introduces a slew of new features and mechanics that sufficiently evolve the XCOM-inspired genre of strategy games, though is brought down by some buggy, wonky, and unbalanced implementation of some mechanics.

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