Tools Up! Reviews

Tools Up! is ranked in the 44th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2019
Tools Up! Review video thumbnail
Dec 10, 2019

Tools Up! is a fun little party game that would be perfect for this time of year, what with all the Christmas gatherings. It's not going to blow your mind with innovation, but it's going to provide you with warm fuzzies and fun memories.   If you've played Overcooked to death and are looking for something that feels the same, but is new, then this is also the perfect game for you. It's reasonably priced, and will provide many hours of fun entertainment.

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6 / 10.0
Dec 9, 2019

The game is at its best in levels that add something interesting, such as the dog or streams of lava. But those moments are far and few in between, despite the games short length. Most levels my partner and I didn’t speak a word to each other after we decided what rooms each of us would tackle. A dark contrast to other party games that have players constantly yelling at each other and laughing.

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