WAKU WAKU Sweets Reviews

WAKU WAKU Sweets is ranked in the -1th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Jan 9, 2020

Waku Waku Sweets: a cooking game that came to the 3DS in 2018, and followed on the Switch that same year. The most well known cooking game is Cooking Mama, one that my daughter loves to bits. But now that Waku Waku Sweets on Switch has landed in retail as well, let’s see how this “other” title holds up: is it a clone, or does it bring something new to the table?

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Top Critic
4 / 10
Sep 26, 2020

Waku Waku Sweets on Nintendo Switch is an example of how cute graphics do not necessarily make a fun game. The ridiculous game mechanics that swiftly remove any enjoyment from what in its original 3DS form made it a fun easy game brightening up a gamer's day, makes this version feel unplayable. The story and characters may be entertaining, but that is worthless when making the treats themselves have a permanent invasive and unavoidable tutorial mode. Perhaps a patch in the future may resolve this issue, as it is doubtful even the youngest of players need constant reminders of how to whisk a bowl or break an egg once they have accomplished it successfully themselves. Until that patch comes, go hunt out the 3DS version which can actually be enjoyed without wanting to throw the console out of a window or in a bin.

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