The Longing Reviews

The Longing is ranked in the 67th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10
Mar 5, 2020

Like all of the most meaningful art, The Longing's gameplay struggles to be what is traditionally considered to be "fun" at times. However, it is a dark and thoughtful journey that tackles profound subjects, and is well worth your time if you're looking to experience something truly unique.

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5 / 10
Apr 30, 2021

We can't lie - we hated The Longing. We hated every second of playing it for review. Is it a resounding success at presenting all of its themes? Is it thought-provoking in a way that few games manage? Is it an exhausting slog we wouldn't wish on our worst enemies? The answer to all these questions is yes. But, with all that said, you cannot help but respect the developer's audacity and unwavering commitment to their principles. What the game sets out to do it accomplishes with flying colours, and it's filled with clever ideas and meditations.Ultimately, The Longing is one of those video games that defies traditional scoring metrics. What kind of score would you give a game that succeeds so triumphantly at being utterly, utterly tedious? A one? A ten? It feels inadequate and somewhat trite to split the difference, but here we are.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 5, 2020

The Longing's gripping storyline and multiple endings clash with the lack of puzzles and too many pauses. Worth to try if you are looking for an original story, but if you love to have your brain continuously tested and challenged, this is not your cup of tea.

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