Shop Titans
Top Critic Average
Critic Reviews for Shop Titans
Overall, I did really enjoy Shop Titans more than I thought I would. It’s more complex than just a casual gaming experience and while it does have a traditional path of Free-to-Play gameplay structure, where real-world pay is involved, there are enough options for you to avoid that if that isn’t your thing. It just requires patience. I’m not crazy about the controls when compared to the iOS version, which is probably my biggest knock on the game.
The egregious monetization can't be overlooked in this game. Originally I was being lenient and choosing to simply ignore it but after playing the game for 10 hours it very quickly became clear this game is only interested in putting up as many obstacles as possible and selling you the solution to these problems. While it's true that a lot of these items can be earned in-game, they make it very clear that paying is the better option. Combine that with the simple and repetitive nature of the game and I can't honestly recommend this. As it's free though you have nothing to lose by trying it for yourself, just understand though what type of game you are getting yourself into.
Considering how mindless and tailor-fit for mobile audiences the substanceless gameplay loop of Shop Titans is, one has to wonder why Kabam saw fit to pursue a PC release. Of course, the "why" is made painfully clear the moment players hit their first wall. Progression is very blatantly designed around micro-transactions. Anyone who doesn't want to spend a dime will need to contend with a very long grind. Even then, the game actively withholds items and content from players who don't want to spend real money. Worse yet is the monthly subscription service, which Kabam fully expects anyone who wants to play Shop Titans in earnest to purchase. Already aggressively mediocre experience by design, jumping from mobile to PC has done Kabam's shopkeeping "simulator" no favours. Shop Titans is worse than video game junk food; it's slop.