Neon Abyss Reviews

Neon Abyss is ranked in the 63rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Jul 17, 2020

While Neon Abyss lacks plot depth and environmental variety, it makes up for it with some wild item combinations and chaotic enemy encounters. You can never be quite sure how your next run of this roguelike is going to pan out, but you can always be confident it’s going to be hectic, brightly coloured, and filled with mixed-quality puns and pop culture references.

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Noisy Pixel
Ian Goudelock
7 / 10.0
Jul 14, 2020

Neon Abyss is a mixed bag. While power-ups and synergies offer a fantastic variety, the same cannot be said of the Abyss and its design. There’s fun to be found here, but it ultimately doesn’t supply the addicting gameloop that other genre greats provide, making it tough to continue after an untimely death.

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Jul 10, 2020
Neon Abyss (Quick Review) [PC] video thumbnail
7.5 / 10.0
Jul 14, 2020

No, Neon Abyss is definitely not a bad game. In fact, even in its current state, it’s actually quite good and I’d easily recommend it to Switch owners. But this is a perfect case of wasted potential. It could have been so much better if it wasn’t for the infuriating framerate issues that ruined way more runs than I can possibly remember.

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8 / 10
Jul 14, 2020

It’s not easy, but then, nothing fun usually is right off the bat. Give it time, get used to the mechanics, and Neon Abyss will take place as that frustratingly fun game in your library.

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