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Need a Packet?

Marginal act, Sometimes You, Sometimes You
Aug 20, 2018 - PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5
Pure Nintendo
7 / 10
5 / 10
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Need a Packet? Trailers

Need A Packet? - Nintendo Switch Release Trailer [NOA] thumbnail

Need A Packet? - Nintendo Switch Release Trailer [NOA]

Need A Packet? - PlayStation 4 Release Trailer thumbnail

Need A Packet? - PlayStation 4 Release Trailer

Need a Packet? Screenshots

Critic Reviews for Need a Packet?

Despite an oddly placed bullet hell section and a story that takes a couple of playthroughs to fully grasp, Need a Packet is a fun game with a simple gameplay loop. Mix that in with the eerily fun graphics, this is a truly interesting addition to your Switch library.

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Although not wholly original, there's clearly a good game in Need a Packet?, but a number of issues keep it from greatness.

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All in all, I think the existence of Need a packet? demonstrates why I have a fondness for video games which are utilized as a kind of realistic teaching tool simulation with social commentary underneath. The ending for Easy Mode is reaching a manager position. *Feigns celebrating*. If playing as a cashier experiencing a breakdown in a bleak world accompanied by hard to see text alongside inconsistent controls interests you, take a gander at Need a packet?

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