Zero Strain

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4 / 5
7 / 10
Creators: Kaio Meris, EastAsiaSoft
Release Date: Jun 20, 2019 - PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5
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Zero Strain - Launch Trailer | PS4

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Critic Reviews for Zero Strain

The shooting action in Zero Strain is frantic, fun, and challenging and its campaign setup will keep you hooked until you master it.

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Zero Strain is an absolute mess of a game, with its metric ton of particle effects and initially confusing control scheme. But don’t get me wrong, it’s the fun kind of absolute mess. It nails the most important aspect of a bullet hell shooter: the great feeling of mowing down hundreds of enemy ships with overpowered weapons, as if you were a god of destruction.

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Zero Strain is a great addition to the smhup genre. It’s frantic, hectic and challenging; maybe a bit too much. The unique arena like level design will definitely add an additional level of challenge as it reduces safe area space, but it’s definitely worth a try. Shmup aficionados, definitely do not miss this one.

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