Armored Mewtwo is Coming to Pokemon Go

Armored Mewtwo is Coming to Pokemon Go

on | OpenCritic

Armored Mewtwo is going make an appearance in Pokemon Go very soon.

In order to help celebrate Pokemon Day, Pokemon Go players will have the chance to capture Armored Mewtwo. From February 25th to March 2nd, Armored Mewtwo will appear in tier-five raids. Mewtwo will know the charge move Psystrike. Along with Mewtwo, Clone Pokemon will also be catchable. These Pokemon appeared in the animated film Pokemon: Mewtwo Strikes Back, and will be available to capture for the first time. Venasaur, Charizard, and Blastoise with clone patterns will show up in four-star raids. A clone Pikachu may also photobomb any snapshots that players take.

During this event, Eevee and Pikachu will appear in the wild wearing party hats. Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle can hatch out of seven kilometer eggs wearing hats. There is a chance that all these Pokemon will show up shiny. On Martch 1st, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. your local time, Gengar and Nidorino will show up in raids wearing party hats. There is a chance that these Pokemon will show up shiny. Players will also be able to get up to five free Raid Passes a day during the event period, though they will not be able to hold more than one of these free passes at once. Gamers will also be able to do two special trades a day.

Armored Mewtwo and the clone Pokemon are not the only event happening this month. It has been announced that February's Community Day will take place on the 22nd of the month, from 11 a.m. to 2 pm.m local time in the Northern Hemisphere, and 3p.m. to 6 p.m. local time in the Southern Hemosphere. This month's Pokemon will be Rhyhorn, who will appear in the wild and in raids more often, with a chance of the Pokemon appearing as a shiny. Any Rhyhorn that is evolved into its final form, Rhyperior, up to two hours after Community Day ends will know the charge move Rock Wrecker.

Finally, Tornadus will appear in raids from February 4th to 25th. After that time, Tornadus will be replaced by another Legendary.

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