We have a fair few long-running franchises these days, whether they be behemoths of the industry like Final Fantasy and The Legend of Zelda, or more niche and technical, like Flight Simulator and Shin Megami Tensei. Most gamers can relate to seeing one of these massive franchises, becoming interested in trying them, but being intimidated about starting.
Sometimes, a franchise is so massive and convoluted that it can put someone off entirely, and those are the franchises that users on ResetEra started discussing earlier today. In a thread set up by a user called Tounsi_Tag, they ask fellow gamers to share the series they think are too difficult to properly invest themselves in and catch up with more recent entries.
Unsurprisingly, The Legend of Heroes is mentioned by an awful lot of people, which is more commonly known as Trails by the fanbase. For those that do enjoy the series (hello my fellow Trails enthusiast), you'll know that it's essentially one long-running story that shares characters between games. There are currently twelve games to get through, the most recent being Trails Through Daybreak 2, not counting spinoffs and those released in just Japan.
They're JRPGs too, so...