Only 0.2 Percent Of Avowed Players Have Seen The Game's Tyrannical Ending

Only 0.2 Percent Of Avowed Players Have Seen The Game's Tyrannical Ending

From TheGamer (Written by Josh Coulson) on | OpenCritic

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A couple of weeks on from Avowed's launch and many of you have likely played your way through to the end of the story The Living Lands have to tell. Some of you might have even played through multiple times to reach different endings. However, not many of you have experienced Avowed's rarest and most brutal ending.

Big spoilers for Avowed's story throughout the rest of this article. You have been warned.

Avowed is an Obsidian game so in true Obsidian form, there are various paths to take. However, Big Dan Gaming has detailed how to experience its rarest ending, and GamesRadar has noted only 0.2 percent of Steam players have seen it. You need to play the game a certain way to unlock this achievement, and when you hear more about that way, you will understand why it's called Tyranny and why so few people have unlocked it.

Avowed’s rich dialogue mechanics have freed me to roleplay much as I want.

You are faced with various decisions throughout Avowed's story, many of which you will have likely chosen with compassion or mercy in mind - I know I have. That's how I know it's already too late for me...

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