Randy Pitchford Supports An Animated Borderlands Film, But Not An Anime

Randy Pitchford Supports An Animated Borderlands Film, But Not An Anime

From TheGamer (Written by Rhiannon Bevan) on | OpenCritic

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The Borderlands movie is a critical and commercial failure, as both fans and critics are disappointed by the adaptation. It's prompted many to wonder where it all went wrong, trying to figure out how Borderlands could have worked on the big screen - and some believe its issues stem from it being live-action.

In response to this, Gearbox co-founder Randy Pitchford agrees that an animated Borderlands film or TV show could work. However, he is very adamant that it should not be an anime, arguing that the series isn't suited for this format.

Pitchford first made his distaste for a Borderlands anime known before the film premiered in theatres. In response to a fan who put the idea forward, he responded, "Borderlands anime? Are you on drugs? That sounds like a terrible idea."

Since the film was released, Pitchford has been constantly responding to negative comments, as he is a huge defender of the project. However, this once again brought up the idea that Borderlands would work better in animation, something Pitchford has commented on again.

"I think an animated Borderlands would be cool, but I don’t parse that the same as anime," says Pitchford. "I think anime...

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