In the wake of legendary director Hideaki Itsuno, the brains behind the likes of Dragon's Dogma, Devil May Cry and other titles, leaving Capcom after 30 years, Devil May Cry fans are feeling particularly hopeless. Itsuno made his announcement on August 31, revealing that the month would be his final one at Capcom after a little over 30 years of work.
His final project at Capcom was this year's Dragons Dogma 2, and before that, he revived the Devil May Cry series with Devil May Cry 5. Per Itsuno, he'll be working on a new game, though it's unclear what kind of game it is, nor where exactly he will be working on it.
That said, it appears that Devil May Cry fans, in particular, have been hit the hardest by the news, especially with how good 5 was. Taking to Reddit, numerous fans shared their thoughts on the news, as well as where they think the series could go from here.
It's been five years since Devil May Cry 5. So where is Dante?
First and foremost, one user perfectly summed up how the DMC community is taking the news, writing, "I guess Devils Do Cry now." Memes aside,...