Huge Sims 4 Update Allows Players To Possibly Start A Family With The Grim Reaper Before Life And Death Launch

Huge Sims 4 Update Allows Players To Possibly Start A Family With The Grim Reaper Before Life And Death Launch

From Screen Rant (Written by Samantha Giambra-Plaisance) on | OpenCritic

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Sims 4 received a major update today, and with it came the ability to not just WooHoo with the Grim Reaper, but possibly start a family with them as well. While the ability to WooHoo with death is not a brand-new feature, as veteran players would know, it is something that was taken out of the title only to be brought back. The timing here is interesting, as the Life and Death expansion is just around the corner.

While the idea of starting a family with the Grim Reaper might not appeal to some, Reddit threads have run rampant with excitement at the knowledge that WooHooing with death is an option once again. One user, known as lavabendingfirelord, sparked a major conversation about the re-introduced feature, stating "They know what the people want." It is worth noting that since the update only went live recently, there has not been much testing or evidence to prove that Grim Reaper babies are possible, so that tidbit should be taken with a grain of salt.

While starting a life of love with the Reaper of Souls is exciting and game-changing for some, there are quite a few other notable changes that...

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