Mere days after launch, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 players have already found a game-breaking exploit for the Zombies map Terminus.
As broken down by Twitter user Warszone Alerts, it's surprisingly easy to pull off. You need to reach round 16 and keep one zombie alive, so that you can use the Amalgam miniboss (those big Resident Evil-looking human sandwiches). Once spawned, lure him under the tower and stand behind the zipline: when he pulls you in with his tentacle, hold square.
If you save and quit, you'll no longer be invincible.
The bug seemingly tricks the game into thinking you're always using the zipline, making you invincible, because if you use the zipline again, you'll return to normal. This will no doubt be patched out soon, so if you wanna risk using the exploit for yourself, now is the time to do it.
As Warzone Alerts explains, this is functionally an unlimited XP glitch. You can't die, so you can just sit in the corner and kill every single zombie without worry, levelling up weapons and reaching much higher rounds than you might otherwise be able to.
It will also inevitably make completing the Easter Egg...