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Giant Bomb

167 games reviewed
72.0 average score
80 median score
60.8% of games recommended

Giant Bomb's Reviews

Nov 19, 2013

Nintendo has knocked it out of the park once again, making its latest platformer a must play.

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Nov 17, 2013

Knack is little more than a tedious slog.

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Nov 16, 2013

The campaign is a real drag, but Shadow Fall's multiplayer props up the package with its fun, configurable action.

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Nov 13, 2013

Resogun might be the best PlayStation 4 exclusive so far. It's certainly a must-download for new owners of the console.

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Sep 3, 2013

Everything you loved about Rayman Origins is polished to a glistening sheen in this tremendously fun platformer.

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Sep 17, 2012

Borderlands 2 gives you more Borderlands. No more, no less.

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- Fez
Apr 16, 2012

The weird, wonderful world of Fez operates on multiple levels, but only the people who are willing to dig all the way down to its core will come away satisfied.

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