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Xbox Achievements

634 games reviewed
75.6 average score
80 median score
53.8% of games recommended

Xbox Achievements's Reviews

Nov 16, 2013

It's a new day, a new dawn for the next-generation consoles and the Dead Rising franchise. Easily Microsoft's best launch title and the very definition of a killer-app, if Dead Rising 3's environmental depth and detail is a sign of things to come for the new generation of consoles, get ready to bask in the glory that is open-world games. Dead Rising 3 is an undead treat.

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60% - LocoCycle
Nov 17, 2013

Twisted Pixel demonstrates once again that it's a studio that not only produces good comedy, but is also one of Xbox's most reliable purveyors of joyful downloadable titles packed with character, charm and enjoyment by the bucket load. LocoCycle is unhinged madness, and impossible not to like. Grilled cheese sandwiches!!

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Nov 17, 2013

Zoo Tycoon's biggest crime is its lack of ambition. With all the power behind it and a renowned sim-orientated brand, it's as if family specialists, Frontier, wasn't sure which crowd to cater too. Despite that, the pseudo-deep sim game is feature-heavy and an ultimately enjoyable ride.

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Nov 17, 2013

It's neither revolutionary, nor a next-gen leap, but Powerstar Golf is a cheery, entertaining experience regardless. We'll be coming back to this for weeks.

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Nov 17, 2013

Limited core gameplay, broken systems, poor controls, a terribly told story and underwhelming visuals make Crimson Dragon Xbox One's worst launch game by far.

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Nov 17, 2013

Killer Instinct is by and large a more than satisfying return for a fighting series that's been left on the shelf for far too long. As a modern fighting game, it manages to hold its own against more seasoned stablemates, thanks to its accessibility and hidden depths. Killer Instinct is a superb fighting game that's currently lacking in content. Please sir, can we have some more?

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Nov 19, 2013

Bearing the weight of Xbox One's launch day racing hopes entirely on its own, Forza Motorsport 5 is a more than worthy addition to the storied racing franchise's history, and a strong first crack at next-gen. However, it's a game that's so in love with its own style that it forgot to bring the substance. Drivatar is a brilliant innovation, but where's the weather, night racing and improved damage model? Turn 10 has a lot of room to improve with the next Forza Motorsport game. For now, Forza Motorsport 5 will do.

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Nov 20, 2013

Brilliant combat, a sumptuously produced story and some of the best visuals we've ever seen make up for the limitations of the gameplay. Ryse: Son of Rome is bloody good fun.

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Nov 26, 2013

A fun, engaging arcade racer with thrills, spills, explosions and crashes aplenty, Need for Speed: Rivals is let down by the largely pointless AllDrive and a lack of race types. A mixed bag.

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Nov 28, 2013

Better than Fighters Uncaged, but that wasn't too hard. Fighter Within works, and that's the only positive thing to say about it. For £50, you're best off paying for a session of S&M with your local masochist. It'd last longer.

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80% - Peggle 2
Dec 9, 2013

Peggle 2 is a gloriously addictive sequel that'll slap a great big smile on your face and keep it there. Joyous.

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Dec 23, 2013

A solid port of its mobile and PC counterparts, Halo: Spartan Assault is an enjoyable twin-stick shooter that provides little in the way of real longevity or value for money. Still, if you've nothing else left to play on Xbox One, you could do a lot worse.

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For what it is, Max: The Curse of Brotherhood is a charming, yet rather restrictive 2D, puzzle-platformer. Despite its limited scope, lack of replayability and depth, there's some fun to be had here, if only for a while.

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Feb 17, 2014

A gorgeous, joy-filled, characterful platformer. Aside from a few minor niggles, Rayman Legends deserves a place alongside the very best examples of the genre. It looks ever-so slightly prettier on Xbox One, but that's about it. Nonetheless, Rayman Legends is still highly recommended.

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70% - Strider
Feb 18, 2014

A decent revisit of a fondly remembered classic, Strider gives its ageing source material a modern twist to solid effect. Beware though; if you've no patience for tough, pattern-filled, old-school boss fights, you may want to look elsewhere.

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75% - Thief
Feb 23, 2014

Despite its slow and dreary start, Thief builds to deliver an experience that most stealth fans will lap up. However, most Thief fans will mourn the loss of the reboot's freedom and choice. That said, Thief is ultimately a game that delivers epic highs and mediocre lows, and for the highs alone, I have no issues recommending it to anyone.

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Feb 23, 2014

A fun LEGO game, but not among the best that the series has to offer, which is a real shame as the story going on around the average levels is top notch and probably one of the best. If you've seen the The LEGO Movie though then you can probably give The LEGO Movie Videogame a miss without too many regrets.

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What at first seems like a bizarre experiment actually turns out to be an accomplished and brilliantly entertaining multiplayer shooter. Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare might not manage to hold your attention for more than a few hours, but while it does, you can't fail to have a blast. Suitable for carnivores and vegetarians alike.

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90% - Titanfall
Mar 9, 2014

Nobody can argue with Titanfall's minute-to-minute gameplay. It's a wonderful blend of verticality and brilliantly frenetic combat, and is sure to be the new standard of awesome when it comes to competitive multiplayer shooters. What you can argue with is the package as a whole, which could be described as a little light and lacking in some places. Still, there's a lot to be said for the inherently fun, shooty mech action that Titanfall has to offer.

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On paper, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes sounds like an elaborate demo. In reality, it's a bigger game than it initially seems. Spend five hours with the game, and you'll be lucky if your completion is even nearing 25%. Play for eight or more, and you'll still be wringing juice out of Camp Omega. Be warned, at face value, this game is small, but there's much more to Ground Zeroes than meets Big Boss' one eye.

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