PC Gamer's Reviews
Apex Legends is a quiet revolution in how we communicate in games, and an excellent team-based battle royale I can recommend to anyone, caveat-free.
Suffers in comparison to Yakuza 0, but is still a compelling drama and an important part of the series as a whole.
Gathering Storm is an ambitious expansion full of welcome additions, even if it does falter at the end.
Involved, spectacular, space battles packaged into satisfying campaigns, and great fan service too.
A glacial pace and abundance of busywork make My Time At Portia a tough recommendation.
The sharpest writing around, wrapped inside a surprising adventure that's tough but rarely unfair. Failbetter's finest hour.
Brimming character and imagination, Wargroove occasionally loses its groove over long-winded core gameplay.
A strategically deep deckbuilder that, with any luck, has spawned a brilliant new subgenre.
Passive AI and a flawed economy ruin what could have been a refreshing 4X experiment.
A tense, challenging, and beautiful remake of a classic survival horror game, and with enough fresh ideas to make it feel excitingly new.
A wonderfully absurd tale of insurrection and kicking stuff in a cheery-looking world.
Uncomplicated but gratifying flying, in scenarios of increasing silliness and therefore likeability.
A fun relic of the early PS2 days that I still like a lot, but slightly too dated for most players to enjoy.
An odd hybrid of life sim and puzzle game where both flawed halves somehow work well together.
RimWorld thrives when it's at its most unpredictable, never letting you get too comfortable
Work through the presentational ugliness and technical awkwardness, and you'll find an experience of frightening depth.
DayZ has the power to create incredible stories, but the twitchy, weightless combat and buggy zombies let it down.
Gris's visual appeal hinders as much as it helps its exploration of grief.
Somehow in this most well-travelled of multiplayer FPS paths, Insurgency: Sandstorm feels fresh and innovative at every turn.
Ashen's slant on the Soulslike subgenre isn't revolutionary, but is a wonderful example of the familiar formula executed well. It's thoughtful, gorgeous, challenging and a dream to explore.