PC Invasion
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Chasm is a retro-infused, Metroidvania style roguelike. Although it brings back many nostalgic feelings with its art style, there is much more to be desired and no real sense of accomplishment once you've completed the game.
Yakuza 0 delivers spirit, humour, and a twisting-story, perfectly capturing the series in its a long-awaited debut.
Worth a look for that retro racing experience.
Not only does Slipstream play like a retro racer, it looks like one too
The Crew 2 is fast, fun and offers a flexible gameplay experience. But, a sense of imbalance throughout the game causes it to be a bit of a rough ride.
Nevertheless, Antigraviator is still a fast and beautiful game.
Despite its issues, I think Bus Simulator 18 is a good step forward in the bus sim genre. It doesn't have a lot of direct competition out there, but I hope this does not make Still Alive feel that it's okay to just sit back and relax. Improvements can and should be made to the game, but even so, this is a decent experience.
Fox n Forests is not a bad game by any means. But, it's a game whose flaws drag it down, creating something entirely pedestrian.
If you love racing and smashing things up this is the game for you. Prepare to get wrecked.
If you can handle speed then Antigraviator really delivers. A fast and fun racer.
If you can handle speed then Antigraviator really delivers. A fast and fun racer.
I was expecting a little more from Forgotton Anne, particularly after how the trailer portrayed the game. Even with that, there's a sense of beauty in it all. The puzzles, characters, and design will still manage to stir emotion in Anne's experience despite the visible blemishes throughout your journey.
A brilliant fast competitive game either online or offline. Simple to pick up and challenging to master.
A valiant attempt at recreating a Tribes-like game but it still needs some work and refinement.
If you are a Mega Man fan, and really enjoy playing this style of platform shooters then, by all means, give it ago.
A good game despite the familiar Total War AI problems. Some of the new mechanics, particularly recruiting, are a great reinvention of the wheel.
The Swords of Ditto is pleasantly addictive and will certainly provide hours of entertainment and some chuckles heads and there.
Bombastic battles, deep campaign with management, and a strong AI. A brilliant must-have game.
Frost Punk will test your city management skills to the max and keep you coming back for more.
Looks like a newer version of Age of Empires 2, and plays like a modern RTS. Good faction differentiation isn't enough to save Empires Apart from being less than mediocre due to weak single player.