Greg Bargas

37 games reviewed
72.3 average score
75 median score
47.2% of games recommended
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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor reflects the storytelling pedigree that Respawn Entertainment is known for. Despite it being a deviation in genre from the first entry, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor builds upon familiar gameplay while expanding exploration, combat, and more. Despite the visual performance issues experienced, these didn't detract from wanting more and finding out how Cal's story concludes. You might find the overall gameplay loop a bit overwhelming, but there is a meaty, emotional journey that lies ahead, Jedi.

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4 / 10.0 - Apex Legends
Mar 16, 2021

I understand that many people only have a Nintendo Switch as a primary console, and I'm saddened that this version of the game will be their first introduction to what is hands down one of my favorites to play. The poor performance and visuals make it almost unplayable and detract from its overall quality. It almost spoils the essence that is Apex Legends. It's a buggy mess of a shooter that I'm surprised was ported given its current condition on Nintendo Switch.

8 / 10 - Bee Simulator
Nov 13, 2019

Bee Simulator completely nails the fluidity and speed of bee flight. This is a great tool to have when exploring the world within the game. It isn't a true simulation title. Rather, it throws in a story and collectibles for a wider audience. And if you're into learning new factoids about insects and animals, Bee Simulator wraps all these things into one. Be wary, though, as the NPCs can come off as empty and robotic, sometimes taking away from the immersion.

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Oct 14, 2019

Felix the Reaper at times leans into its quirky and unique art style. However, the biggest disconnect comes with the effort to unify this with gameplay. Puzzles often feel like a grind, leaving little mastery when all things are said and done.

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Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair marries a variety of platforming mechanics in a meaty campaign with tons of challenges ahead. It’s as polished as it is focused and as true to the genre as you can get. Now, sign me up for the next one.

Sep 8, 2019

Blair Witch is impressive and cleverly designed in many ways. Although there are answers to the abundant amount of questions that start to stir up over the course of the game, the end result still leaves many of those to be unanswered. The visual and sound fidelity provides an excellent foundation to the story that is being told. For psychological horror fans, it will scratch that much-needed itch.

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Aug 27, 2019

Enter the Gungeon can be brutal. However, you’ll find yourself laughing at its quirky dialogue and obviously ridiculous weapons, and you’ll dust yourself off and jump back in.

If you’re a light Marvel fan, you might have some small stints of research ahead of you.

Jul 9, 2019

Fans of the series will no doubt have trouble keeping their eyes locked on their pinballs while still feverishly fondling their flippers. And to anyone else curious, you might find yourself as surprised as I was. I guess, after all, this game does have a happy ending.

May 26, 2019

Team Sonic Racing was a welcomed surprise. The latest title in the line of Sonic racing games shows evolution. And with Team Sonic Racing, it proves that the series only continues to get better with each iteration.

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Apr 23, 2019

The level and character design is something to marvel at with World War Z, but it gets bogged down in its flaws. There's a good game buried in here but first impressions aren't stellar, and promises of updates don't do much for a fully released game with very noticeable problems.

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Apr 8, 2019

The most impressive piece to Dangerous Driving is its aesthetic design. Each map is vibrant and awash color and the sound design has noticeable polish. However, the rest of the game feels rather shallow, especially for a spiritual successor to the Burnout series.

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7 / 10.0 - Overwhelm
Apr 4, 2019

If you’re up for the challenge that lies ahead, and the copious amounts of punishment with the game’s difficulty, there’s no doubt you’ve arrived at the right doorstep. If you’re not ready for those challenges, walk away now because this might not be the experience for you.

7.5 / 10.0 - RICO
Mar 16, 2019

Overall, Rico has quite a bit in terms of randomized levels and tasks to complete in its roguelike first-person shooter setting. However, the game trips over itself when random placements hinder level progression. These instances become more frustrating as level difficulty ramps up. Still, there's a lot of potential with Rico. I wouldn't mind revisiting the game after a patch or two. As it stands, its a nice addition to the online multiplayer shooter library on Nintendo Switch.

9.5 / 10.0 - X-Morph: Defense
Feb 26, 2019

If you love shmups and tower defense games and are looking for a game to keep returning to, there’s a globe filled with humans that needs conquering. Be ready, though — world domination won’t just be handed to you.

Jan 30, 2019

The core mechanics of the original are still very present, even amongst a more action-focused playstyle. If anything, this has widened the audience reach to those who've never played the original and want to enjoy a hearty helping of panic and inventory stress.

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Battle Princess Madelyn is both impressive in both visuals and audio. For better, and sometimes worse, the game has modeled itself after difficult games like Ghosts'n Goblins. Metroidvania fans will enjoy the expansive levels, however, satisfaction from level completion and boss fights are less thrilling provided the immediate backtracking you'll perform back through harms way throughout most of the game.

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9 / 10.0 - Road Redemption
Nov 17, 2018

It’s a shame that there isn’t an online community for matches as this would have carried the experience that much farther. But as it stands, there’s enough here to warrant a purchase if you’re looking for an ass-kicking good time on the couch.

Overkill's The Walking Dead is an ambitious online multiplayer experience. It nails the aesthetic of The Walking Dead universe. However, it struggles in almost every other department. Bugs and game-halting instances have been very apparent in the near 20 hours spent with it.

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Oct 13, 2018

Guns, Gore & Cannoli 2 is a worthwhile experience. It's the perfect game to plop down on the couch and run through in a weekend. Heck, you could probably even do it in a single sitting. There are plenty of weapons and enemy variety. But, be warned, the button layout isn't that inviting–and not remappable, either. Still, the game hits right in that sweet spot that an action platformer should hit. There's enough action to carry you through the game, with challenges and light exploration. It's a fun platformer with moments of ultraviolence and comedy. Sometimes the jokes miss their mark, but for the most part, it's the perfect helping of delicious goodness.