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We Got This Covered

1610 games reviewed
71.1 average score
80 median score
53.9% of games recommended

We Got This Covered's Reviews

Nov 17, 2016

Dishonored 2 had a lot of high expectations to live up to, and it does so admirably. Not only is it a great game in its own right, but it also exists as a fantastic sequel that expands upon its predecessor in multiple memorable ways.

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Cartoon Network: Battle Crashers is the worst type of licensed dreck, soullessly designed with absolutely none of the charm or creativity of the shows it depicts.

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Nov 15, 2016

Root Letter’s intriguing premise was just enough to keep me playing, despite the lacking tension that was initially promised.

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Nov 14, 2016

Watch Dogs 2 is everything the original should have been, complete with an interesting cast of characters, a vibrant city to explore, and the freedom to tackle missions as you see fit.

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Nov 10, 2016

The combination of tired "retro" design choices and brief length make Exile's End a tough game to recommend, even before recognizing that the Metroidvania genre is full of better options.

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A beautiful campaign is marred by an underwhelming story, but with solid multiplayer and Zombies to boot, there's plenty to like about Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.

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Raven Software has set a high bar here. Not only is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered faithful to the original, but it gives it a fresh coat of paint that makes it look just as good as any modern PS4 game.

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Nov 1, 2016

Respawn Entertainment's Titanfall 2 is easily some of the most fun you'll have this year, both online and off.

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Nov 1, 2016

Owlboy packs a fantastic amount of retro charm and genuine heart, with wonderful and creative gameplay to back it up. This long-awaited indie darling may be one of the year's best.

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King’s Quest: Chapter 5 – The Good Knight makes some notable stumbles, but old-school adventure game lovers will find a lot to like, and the later portions provide a satisfying end to Graham's journey.

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition is a terrific entry point for those who were unlucky enough to miss out on one of the last decade’s best open-world RPGs.

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Pretty but shallow, Dark Souls III: Ashes of Ariandel is sorely lacking in content and inventiveness.

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There’s plenty of atmosphere to be found here and it’s a decent title to show off to interested first-time PSVR users, but it isn’t just bugs of the undead variety that are out to put paid to your playing time.

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Oct 25, 2016

Necropolis is a decent stab at creating a Souls roguelike. If it had that all-important "just one more go" feeling nailed, what we would have here would be something truly special. Unfortunately, it’s merely the cold shadow of a much warmer bonfire.

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Those expecting any sort of gameplay at all in exchange for their money are out of luck with Hatsune Miku: VR Future. It’s most assuredly one for the vocaloid’s superfans and even they may be disappointed, given the fleeting nature of the experience.

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Oct 24, 2016

World of Final Fantasy is a loving 30th anniversary tribute to the beloved series, boasting an addictive monster-collection system and a fun (though admittedly goofy) narrative that brings together three decades of characters.

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While Rock Band Rivals' new campaign offers little substance, its new persistent multiplayer component is an intriguing addition that genuinely enriches the core Rock Band 4 experience.

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Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky has a solid foundation in its art style, characters, and combat. It’s just a shame that a lack in variation holds it back from being something truly engaging.

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Oct 21, 2016

The result of Ace Banana’s somewhat narrow design spec and the control issues that it presents mean that it isn’t really something that can be recommended. It isn’t a total trainwreck and might be a fun diversion for younger players for a while, but there’s a chance that even they will ultimately come away frustrated.

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Oct 20, 2016

Skylanders Imaginators doubles down on everything that makes the series addictive, with an appealing slate of new toys and a frankly ridiculous amount of collectible parts for the titular custom characters.

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