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136 games reviewed
73.5 average score
80 median score
52.9% of games recommended

IBTimes UK's Reviews

Rainbow Six Siege is the finest shooter of the year. Its systems combine to create a game that's immediately tense and feels several steps beyond what we've come to expect from yearly Call of Duty iterations. AAA games aren't usually this bold, but in this case the gamble has paid off. Rainbow Six Siege is sublime.

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Nov 30, 2015

WWE 2K16 is the best WWE game for a while, but largely by default. Every successful tweak to the gameplay edges it closer to the license's former greatness, and makes this particular entry a fun multi-player wrestling game for a short time at least. Eventually however its limitations present themselves and – like the real thing – you're left frustrated that not enough has changed.

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Nov 20, 2015

Star Wars Battlefront is a work of remarkable craftsmanship from developers DICE, and it being a more casual shooter is exactly what the game needed to be to find its place in the crowded online shooter market. There should be more on offer, particularly when it comes to single player modes, but in short bursts Battlefront is a force to be reckoned with.

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Nov 9, 2015

Fallout 4 is a good game, no doubt, but it's hard not to feel let down after six months of solid hype, and high expectations on the side of the players. It hasn't learned any lessons from predecessor New Vegas, and aside from smaller tweaks and decent gunplay, there's very little to the core game that wasn't in Fallout 3. Building your settlements is fun and the main campaign missions (after a time) are engaging and entertaining. However, for a near-20-year-old series to take two huge steps forward in 2008 and 2010, only to hardly make any progress in 2015, is galling. Go in with that in mind and you'll have a lot of fun. Expect a nuclear revolution and you'll be left wanting.

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With Rise of the Tomb Raider, Crystal Dynamics has made a stellar sequel, but hasn't yet reached the full potential glimpsed in 2013's reboot. It is visually fabulous, boasting stunning environments, and improves the core exploration and combat gameplay, but there's still room to improve further. With even bigger open worlds, dialled down violence and a stronger script, the inevitable next instalment could really be special. There's no doubt that Crystal Dynamics deserves the chance to make that happen.

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Oct 26, 2015

You can certainly see a learning curve with 343 Industries. With Halo 5 their clear understanding of the series has yielded a great game, but not the classic they're capable of making.

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Dontnod brings one of the best video game stories in years to a tense, powerful and satisfying conclusion. Life Is Strange has been a triumph. The surprise game of 2015.

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Super Mario Maker offers an exquisite tool for creating new platforming memories. It realises a dream Mario fans have had for 30 years, but a lack of checkpoints and a skewed course browser that favours levels requiring little effort from players holds the game back from true greatness.

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Sep 18, 2015

Any petrolhead should buy Forza 6 without a second thought - they will get some serious enjoyment out of it - and even those who don't know their Sierra Cosworths from their Huracans should give it a try. The racing can be as easy or difficult as you like, but however you tweak the settings the fun will always shine through.

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With The Phantom Pain Hideo Kojima has realised his Metal Gear dream.

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8 / 10.0 - Volume
Aug 28, 2015

Stealth hasn't felt this good, this pure, since Mark of the Ninja. Volume is tightly-designed and lovingly-crafted vivacious​ fun.

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Aug 24, 2015

One of the better remakes of recent years, stifled slightly by bugs that should be squished in future patches. The signs are good for Gears under The Coalition.

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Aug 13, 2015

Nice as it can be to look around the world of Everbody's Gone To The Rapture, its story is dead, empty, and filled with redundant notions of player engagement.

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Dontnod has something truly special here. All they have to do now is finish on a high.

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8 / 10.0 - Rocket League
Jul 23, 2015

An enormously enjoyable bit of fun for the summer months. A multiplayer cult classic in waiting.

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10 / 10.0 - Journey
Jul 22, 2015

One of the greatest video games ever made. A masterpiece.

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Jul 20, 2015

Regular jarring difficulty spikes sap the joy from this otherwise colourful and inventive platformer.

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Jul 1, 2015

Playing as Batman has never felt better, but Rocksteady's kitchen sink approach gets in the way. A textbook example of why less is more.

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9 / 10.0 - Her Story
Jun 26, 2015

Thoroughly engaging from start to finish, Her Story is a tour de force of interactive storytelling and a murder mystery for the ages.

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8 / 10.0 - Splatoon
Jun 4, 2015

Remarkably fun and boasting a bold, lively and completely mad style, Splatoon is an unbridled joy. Another gem for Nintendo's Wii U.

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