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From a standpoint of action, Breath of the Wild goes out of its way to step beyond every Legend of Zelda title before it.
The overwhelming size of Wildlands‘s open world is often used to disguise the game’s lack of real freedom within it.
The game reveals itself as a sympathetic view of an imperfect world without a clear road to peace.
Horizon Zero Dawn creates a world that captivates you just by the very act of having you feel as if you're living within it.
The game wears its influences on its sleeve, but also puts forth a Herculean effort toward surpassing them.
Tales of Berseria, the 17th entry in the Tales series, is always pushing through to bigger and better things.
Much like an actual modern-day factory, Splash Team's Splasher abides by an assembly-line philosophy.
In terms of tone, viciousness, subtext, and sheer oppressive fear, Resident Evil 7 is a beast unlike its predecessors.
This port of the 2015 Wii U title Yoshi's Wooly World doesn't try to break the mold, though it's certainly cuter.
Dragon Quest VIII‘s almost random plot and character moments carry complex emotional weight.
Although Rise & Shine may sometimes look like a more cartoonish version of Contra, it doesn't play like one...and the majority of battles ultimately play out as fast-paced puzzles that test how well a player can prioritize targets.
Gravity Rush 2 should be a sleek and swift experience, but it feels like a local train stuck in traffic.
Telltale Games's take on the Dark Knight is a much-needed step forward in terms of placing gamers in Batman’s boots.
Final Fantasy XV is a game that chooses to leave its mythology disjointed and its emotions real.
Dead Rising 4 is a defanged sequel unlikely to satisfy fans of the series or appeal to new ones.
Figuring out The Last Guardian's puzzles—like the one in which a broken wheelbarrow must be used as a makeshift catapult—isn't nearly as difficult as getting Trico to cooperate.
Based on its turn-based combat alone, Dragon Ball Fusions distinguishes itself from other roleplaying games.
On paper, Dishonored 2 is a marked improvement on almost everything the original game brought to the table.
Watch Dogs 2 not only represents a massive upgrade over its predecessor, but over similar open-world titles.
The game’s best moments use the story’s futuristic and space-bound setting to find new dramatic opportunities.