HomepageMonsterVine's Reviews
The Pact continues to do right by the Batman universe by both establishing old fan favorites, and by trying new things with Harley Quinn and the Joker.
The Enigma is a remarkably strong start to Season 2 of TellTale’s Batman. While some minor issues are still present, the storytelling, voice-work, and music are all absolutely stellar, and I can’t wait to dive even deeper into TellTale’s seedy interpretation of Gotham.
Who Needs You has some strong emotional moments, followed by frustratingly unearned tension in the group.
It’s not very often a game as special as this comes out and the more I play Divinity: Original Sin 2 the more certain I am that it’s one of the best RPG’s of all time.
While the story feels half-baked at times, the follower and Nemesis systems and the consistency of the world of Mordor make Shadow of War a remarkably fun romp through Middle-Earth.
Episode 2, “A Brave New World,” puts more pressure on the player to make some serious decisions, but allows ethical deduction to make choices actually feel important.
Cuphead is a thrilling test of skill and reflex that plays as wonderfully as it looks.
The Lego Ninjago Movie Video Game tries some interesting new things for a Lego game, with varying success. The lack of character variation makes things feel a bit dull, but there’s an undeniable sense of relaxed fun to the game.
Battlechasers is an RPG to kick back and enjoy.
While the gameplay and netcode are absolutely fantastic, the visuals, UI, and roster are painfully lacking.
Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash is a surprisingly fun team-based shooter that, sometimes exceedingly, embraces fanservice in a way that few games do in this oversensitive industry.
It’s safe to say that Reikon Games completely blew away all expectations with their first game.
If Capcom decided to continue this spin-off series, it will be welcome news.
On the whole, if the overland adventure/subterranean dungeon crawl genre strike your fancy and if you dig on the modern indie aesthetic, you’re going to find a lot of procedurally-generated ground you’ll dig exploring.
Thanks to fascinating characters that are some of the strangest in the series and gameplay additions that further improve the court segments, Danganronpa V3 is proof that a series can still thrill and surprise you three entries in.
At times, Tokyo Dark feels like it would have been better as a pure visual novel, but despite some repetition, its storytelling comes through to make it an intriguing—and sometimes disturbing—experience.
Destiny 2 is easily one of the best shooters to date.
StarCraft: Remastered is a complete package that brings an RTS classic into a format that is easier to digest on modern computers and screens.
Episode 1: Awake is a strong start to Before the Storm.
One Piece: Unlimited World Red – Deluxe Edition is a pleasant action adventure game that stumbles due to a lack of gameplay variety and a tacked-on story.